Make sure the Internet of Things isn’t a route for hackers to get into your home or workplace

As more and more Internet-connected devices find their way into our homes and businesses, it’s important to remember that they represent a security risk. The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly, and in the rush for convenience, our privacy and safety is often an afterthought. Leaving them unsecured is the digital equivalent of leaving the back door unlocked.

1. Don’t connect your devices unless you need to.

2. Create a separate network.

3. Pick good passwords and a different password for every device.

4. Turn off Universal Plug and Play (UPnP).

5. Make sure you have the latest firmware.

6. Be wary of cloud services.

7. Keep personal devices out of the workplace.

8. Track and assess devices.


If you’re dealing with sensitive data or you’re concerned about privacy, then make sure you have a long hard look at the IoT devices you’re considering. What security protocols do they support? How easy are they to patch? Do the providers have a proper privacy policy? It’s not safe to assume they’re secure because all too often they simply aren’t.

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