List of Books on Internet of Things

Not just your car, what if your refrigerator, AC, microwave and all other digital devices become your every day companion? Such is the world, we humans have promised ourselves in near future. Undoubtedly, there is a long road to achieve this end state, but the work has already begun.

The massive upsurge in the availability of data in last few years have fueled this passion for breakthrough innovation. The idea of making human life faster and comfortable is the essence of discovering “Internet of Things”.

This concept is fairly easy to understand. Let me explain it in one line: “Internet of things means connecting things (digital devices) with internet”. IoT is majorly driven by data, sensors and actuators. With basic programming skills, anyone can build variety of useful products.

If you are curious to know more about it (I’m sure you would), reading books is the best way to nourish one’s curiosity. Therefore, I’ve listed some of the best books to make you familiar with complete picture of Internet of Things (IOT).

1. The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies
2. Getting started with Internet of Things
3. The Silent Intelligence
4. IoT Disruptions: The Internet of Things – Innovation & Jobs
5. Meta Products: Building the Internet of Things
6. Everyware: The dawning age of ubiquitous computing
7. Trillions
8. Designing Connected Products
9. Learning Internet of Things
10. Big Data and The Internet of Things
11. The Design of Everyday Things


After reading these books, you’ll realize that the real impact of data revolution is yet to be seen. Using data for building predictive models is just the tip of the iceberg. The real usage of personal data will be seen once connected devices get the life some of these books describe. That will be a world where humans will be busy engaged with personal devices and would have no time enjoy the natural scenery. Well, everything has a cost. Right ?

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