How the internet of things is slashing energy costs for business

Smart appliances that communicate with each other and share information using the internet are already available. Indeed, the Internet of things has featured on lists of game-changing technologies for years, and is arguably one of the most hyped tech innovations around. With sensors getting cheaper by the day, more and more physical objects are becoming part of a network of things changing the way we live and work. For businesses of the future, this should lead to a huge cut in costs since these new tools help us see exactly what is going on where. “The Internet of things – which is really about the connecting of devices and the acquisition of data – ultimately creates much more visibility: the visibility of the performance of the grid, visibility of where we lose energy, and where the savings potential really is,” says Gerd Kortuem, professor of ubiquitous computing at the Open University and energy leader for Milton Keynes’ smart city initiative. See more at :


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